9 Most Essential First Date Tips for Women

Do you really believe you know the basics of first dates? Think again. We'll cover you with the most essential tips on how to act on first dates.
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9 Most Essential First Date Tips for Women

No matter how well your dating experience you still need to know some important date advice to improve your love life. Remember people are the weakest when they are over-confident about something. Thus we cover you with everything you need to know from basics to advanced tips including 5 bonus tips. Let's dive in.

1. Don’t Get Too Tipsy or Drunk:

This is universally accepted. It is always a horrible idea to get drunk and lose control. You may do something you don’t normally want to do and you will make yourself look bad to you date. Unless you want to destroy your chances with your potential boyfriend don’t drink too much.

2. Do Research On Him:

Stalking him a little on his social media doesn’t hurt anyone. You’ll get a better understanding of him this way. You should check his photos following pages and comments to see what he is like. He will probably do that too so check out your social media account from your crush’s eyes.

3. Stay Away From Your Phone:

Of course! You don't have to be a relationship expert to know this but a lot of people still do that. Checking out your phone and social media while on a date is rude and crass. If you are with someone focus all your attention to him. You'll have a great time if you show your interest and give your full attention to him. This way you are more likely to increase your chances of having a long term relationship because you will feel more connected together.

4. Be Confident and Honest:

Duh! No need to explain why it is important. Confidence is more attractive than looks men love it. Don't talk about your insecurities. Don’t get arrogant that’s all. One more thing never tell lies on your first date. If you don’t want to talk about something or are shy change the subject don’t lie.

Bonus Tips

*Don't overcompliment him as it will leave him thinking he is too good for you. Praise his look and personality of course but don't exaggerate it.

* If you want to feel a connection ask personal questions and talk about something personal about you. Childhood family personal values and beliefs are excellent topics to talk about.

*Avoid awkward silences with jokes wit and chit-chats.

*Use your body language to attract men. For example you can play with your hair make intense eye contacts glance away caress your neck and pout your lips in a subtle way.

*Last but not least one of the most important dating tips for women is to stop being self-sacrificing. If your date doesn't go well or he doesn't call that's okay. It is not your fault they may be millions of reasons for that. Just because he doesn't want to call you can't offer something to make him call. We know it seems impossible when you are really into him and he doesn't feel the same way. But you are a strong independent woman who can handle anything you want. Empower yourself and learn to let it go with time.

Now it's your turn!

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