Gefällt mir
I'm 18, I love to draw,I like to paint, I love baking, I listen to a lot of alternative music, I like reading, I love fashion especially goth, *** , scene, vkei, and gyaru. I love animation my favorite shows are bojack horseman, moral oral, and regu
Persönliche Info
- Geschlecht
- Weiblich
- Alter
- 19
- Ort
- United States, Nevada
- Interessiert in
- Frau
- Beziehungsstatus
- Single
- Auf der Suche nach
- Date
- Größe
- 5'2"(157cm)
- Augenfarbe
- Braun
- Haarfarbe
- Dunkelbraun
- Bildung
- Realschule/Gymnasium
- Lieblingsmusik
- mitski, malice mizer, Sohodolls, doja cat, Megan thee stallion, ayesha erotica, siouxie and the banshees, dazey and the scouts, remy bond, a
- Lieblings- TV-Sendungen
- I have a lot, but my absolute favorites are amazing world of gumball and ninjago
- Lieblingsfilme
- The Lego ninjago movie, the Lego batman movie, all the studio ghibli movies, a silent voice, and alien romulus to name a few
- Lieblingsbücher
- The whole percy jackson series
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